Listen to divrei chizuk from Rav Elya Chaim Swerdloff, rosh yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Paterson, at the 2024 OU Kosher Rabbinical Field Representative conference.
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July 5-6, 2024 / 30 Sivan 5784


Rosh Chodesh Tammuz is celebrated on Shabbat, July 6, and Sunday, July 7.

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OU’s Inaugural Executive Fellows Complete Program With Strong Experience
OU’s Inaugural Executive Fellows Complete Program With Strong Experience
Orthodox Union

The ten-month-long fellowship with the OU introduced young talent to prospective careers in the Jewish community.

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Watch: Shuk Machane Yehuda – Kosher or Not?
Watch: Shuk Machane Yehuda – Kosher or Not?
OU Israel

Enjoy the first episode of our new video series from OU Israel’s Gustave & Carol Jacobs Center for Kashrut Education: Shuk Machane Yehuda – Kosher or Not? This video features the halachot of wine. Stay tuned for more episodes of this exciting series.

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Watch: Rav Elya Chaim Swerdloff Addresses Attendees at the OU Kosher RFR Conference
OU Kosher
Watch: Rav Elya Chaim Swerdloff Addresses Attendees at the OU Kosher RFR Conference

It was an honor to hear divrei chizuk from Rav Elya Chaim Swerdloff, rosh yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Paterson, at the 2024 OU Kosher Rabbinical Field Representative conference.

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Watch: YAIR 2024 Recap Video
NCSY Israel
Watch: YAIR 2024 Recap Video

Watch highlights from NCSY Israel’s YAIR event, a day of Torah learning and inspiration with shiurim, workshops, a live concert featuring the Solomon Brothers and more!

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A Unique Summer Learning Opportunity for Women Worldwide
Women's Initiative
A Unique Summer Learning Opportunity for Women Worldwide

The OU Women’s Initiative ALIT Virtual Summer Beit Midrash program will take place from July 29 to August 8. ALIT is a two-week online learning program attracting women of all ages. There are six different in-depth, interactive course options covering a wide range of Torah topics.

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Acts of Chesed: JLIC Tel Aviv and the Druze Community Unite in Grief and Hope
Acts of Chesed: JLIC Tel Aviv and the Druze Community Unite in Grief and Hope

Read the story of the JLIC Tel Aviv community’s heartfelt visit to honor Wassim Mahmoud, the Druze hero who fell defending Israel. Learn how this act of chesed helped to bridge cultures and strengthen bonds.

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How Has October 7th Changed You?
Jewish Action
How Has October 7th Changed You?

Have you become more connected to Judaism and the Jewish people since October 7? If yes, how so? Jewish Action wants to know!

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Filtering Coffee and a French Press on Shabbos and Yom Tov
Filtering Coffee and a French Press on Shabbos and Yom Tov

We all love our coffee, but let’s face it: instant coffee ain’t what it ought to be. Is it possible to make better coffee on Shabbos? Find out with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz! Plus… Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon starts the halachos of lash (kneading), Rabbi Shalom Rosner on dash and sechitah (threshing and wringing out) and more!

Filtering Coffee on Shabbos and Yom Tov – Listen Now More on L'Kadsho HALACHA YOMIS: May one walk outside on the outskirts of a city on Shabbos?
The Three B’s of Religious Life
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
The Three B’s of Religious Life

Behavior, Belief, and Belonging are seen amongst theorists as the three core and interrelated elements of religious life, otherwise known as the three B’s.

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Rebelling Against the King
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Rebelling Against the King

Korach’s rebellion wasn’t only against Moshe but against the king of Israel.

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A Mother’s Lasting Embrace
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
A Mother’s Lasting Embrace

In his monumental 20th-century treatise on Eretz Yisrael and the redemption, Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtel explains why the Talmud Yerushalmi refers to the land of Israel as the “mother” of Israel and the lands of exile as a “stepmother.”

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Inspirational Judaism
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l
Inspirational Judaism

Avot inspires us and challenges us to expand our characters, our vision, and our spiritual capacities.

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I Saw Online That... (Questions About Shabbos)
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
I Saw Online That... (Questions About Shabbos)

Is a list of the melachos you found online sufficient to keep Shabbos? (Hint: No, it’s not.) Another real-life Q&A! Plus, drawing blood erev Shabbos and evading electric hotel doors.

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Whats in a Comma?
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler
What's in a Comma?

What’s a comma? It’s a little dot, barely visible. So how much difference could it make in our tefillos? You’d be surprised! Learn more with this installment from Rabbi Dr. Adler’s series “The Different Shades and Colors of Prayer!”

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Taking It Personally
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l
Taking It Personally

When we read the story of Korach, our attention tends to be focused on the rebels. We don’t give as much reflection as we might to the response of Moses. Was it right? Was it wrong? It’s complicated.

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The Secret of Remaining Correct
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
The Secret of Remaining Correct

Very often, we think that if a person is especially spiritual, he cannot possibly be very practical. It is as if religious devotion and good common sense just don’t go together.

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Take a short break to play a quick game of OU Summer Trivia!
Orthodox Union
Take a short break to play a quick game of OU Summer Trivia!
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Why does chewing gum need to be kosher certified?
OU Kosher
Why does chewing gum need to be kosher certified?
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A New Restaurant and the War
Steven Genack
A New Restaurant and the War

A new OU Kosher-certified restaurant, Nomé, opens, mixing French sophistication with Nikkei cuisine. Learn about the philosophy the owner lives by and how it’s applicable to the current war.

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